Defining Your Business Brand in Three Easy Steps

Defining Your Business Brand in Three Easy Steps

The method to define the business brand has been simplified into three easy steps. Although each of the steps is straightforward on its own, the interdependency and interrelationship between each step is crucial to establish a brand that performs for the company and allows the enterprise or organization to hire to that particular mindset.

The first step in this regard is defining the core methodology, which would involve asking what exactly one wants the organization to represent? What perception will they provide when people call out the name of the organization? The answers to these questions will form the crux of the ideology. The core ideology will then be required to bifurcate into two ideas, i.e., the promise and the purpose. The organization’s promise is that which is made on behalf of the company to the employees and the consumers as a business. For example, Coca Cola’s brand comprises of a refreshed world in mind, body and spirit and it continues to evolve and guide the efforts of the organization in this direction both internally and externally. Sometimes promises are bluntly aimed at the customer.

The purpose of the organization is the “Why” behind the company name. At the end of the day, the purpose of the organization makes a difference because it is directly related to the creation and advertisement of the company product. This is where the purpose enables the company to focus on building the best products causing no unnecessary harm and utilize the business to inspire and implement solutions that do not add on to environmental crises, something like the mission statement of most eco- friendly companies, for instance, Patagonia. Defining the above will enable the business to define itself without getting the culture fit disrupted in the initial establishment of the business brand.