A job description is one of the most significant aspects of a recruiting process. It is the first and the foremost step that involves the candidates’ attention apart from being the recruiters’ weapon of choice for head hunting the candidates. This weapon needs to be sharp and precise as to spot the perfect fit for their recruitment hunt. A Job description’s utility comes under the scanner if it fails to achieve the desired goal. Hence it must be in all ways be perfectly compiled to convey the message and serve the purpose.
Discussed below are three job description hacks that can make it more effective and attractive to the candidates for the recruiting process:
- Use of Tenses and Verbs - The use of action verbs as well as past, present and future tenses while constructing an important piece of content can make a lot of difference. The exercise of certain words like “use” and “perform” give a direct and clear standing of what is desired of the candidates in the position to be filled by them. On the other hand, the lack of a clear picture can confuse the candidate and evade the recruiter of any potential employee.
- Explaining a “Typical day at work”- Giving a glimpse of a typical day at work in the position being hired for, provides the candidates the confidence to see themselves in the position and understand the social aspects of the same. The lack of a comprehensive job description can result in candidates being too general to highlight what they can possibly specialize in when are in the job position. Describing the average day at work would also help explain to the potential candidate what he/she can avail from his/her position, which is a strong talent to attract young Turks, since most millennial candidates are anxious to learn how they can make the most of their career and professional connections.
- Defining the goals – Providing a goal or a target oriented job description can help prepare the candidates’ right from the day they apply to fill in the job and learn what is expected of them. In addition, there are many candidates who have the caliber to achieve these goals and they could be a perfect fit for the position. It also gives the opportunity to the candidates to mark their merits in their applications, and a point of discussion on their accolades to the recruiters. Finally, outlining the goals to be achieved by the candidate also highlights the importance of the position in the organization.
Job description as said earlier is the first step to a recruitment process and if it is not good enough, it needs improvisation to describe the open position since communication is the key to a thriving business.